英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-28 00:06:34

stick by

英 [stik bai]

美 [stɪk baɪ]

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1. be loyal to

e.g. She stood by her husband in times of trouble
The friends stuck together through the war

Synonym: stand bystickadhere

1. 继续帮助;继续支持
If you stick by someone, you continue to give them help or support.

e.g. ...friends who stuck by me during the difficult times as Council Leader...
e.g. She'd stuck by Bob through thick and thin.

2. 遵守,坚持(诺言、协议、决定或原则等)
If you stick by a promise, agreement, decision, or principle, you do what you said you would do, or do not change your mind.

e.g. But I made my decision then and stuck by it.

1. 忠于:stick at 坚持 | stick by 忠于 | stick down 放下

2. [口]支持[忠于]... 逗留在...附近:stick at nothing [口]无所顾忌, 什么都做得出, 不择手段做... | stick by [口]支持[忠于]... 逗留在...附近 | stick down 放下 写下来 贴好

3. 支持:live out: 实践 | stick by: 支持 | add on: 增加

4. 忠于,对...真心;坚持,维护:stick at 对...迟疑, 犹豫;坚持, 努力做 | stick by 忠于,对...真心;坚持,维护 | stick to粘住,紧跟;坚持,遵守;

Did the network stick by you during the initial backlash?(在最初(观众)的反对中,电视网始终都支持你吗?)
Tip: Make new material stick by relating it to something you already know or care about.(小贴士:学新的内容要将它与你已经知道的或是关注的内容联系起来。)
United defender Mikael Silvestre believes Old Trafford supporters will get behind Ronaldo and stick by him.(曼联后卫西尔维斯特曼联球迷们将站在罗那尔多背后,支持他。)
I love him and whatever happens I'll stick by him.(我爱他,无论发生什么我都会支持他。)
He knew that at least this fanatical and faithful follower, and his family, would stick by him to the end.(他知道,至少这位狂热忠实的追随者和他的家属是愿意跟他到底的。)
I will always stick by you.(我总会在你左右。)
Excellent staff: Stick by company, Stick by vocation, Stick by personality.(优秀的职员:忠于公司、忠于职业、忠于人格。)
Shall we stick by each other as long as we live?(我们要忠于对方只要我们活下去吗?。)
Although the team is at the lowest point, the devoted football fans stick by her as they used to.(尽管球队目前处于低谷,但忠实的球迷们继续支持她。)
Thanks awfully, but I ought to stick by Toad till this trip is ended.(多谢,不过我得守着托德,直到这趟旅行结束。)
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